Let’s Get Physical!

No, no, no! Not Madonna style! I’m talking about EXERCISE!!! Break a sweat, pump some iron, get that beautiful heart of yours to pump a little faster! Why, you ask? You’re happy with the way you look? You’re not trying to lose any weight? Or maybe you are? However you feel about your body I’m not telling you to exercise for those reasons, I’m telling you to exercise to improve the quality of your life!

Now, let’s think of the benefits we already know we get from a regular exercise routine. A toned, slimmer body. Stronger muscles. The ability to walk up a few flights of stairs without panting. Those things are all nice, but did you know exercise does so much more?!?!? This is science! Facts. An article from the Center For Disease Control called “The Effects of Physical Activity on Health and Disease“, states that regular exercise provides your body and mind with these additional benefits: lower mortality rates than those who are inactive, decreased risk of coronary heart disease, decrease in high blood pressure, decreased risk of colon cancer, decreased risk of developing diabetes, decreased risk of developing arthritis, less body fat, relief of symptoms of anxiety and depression, improvement in mood and enhanced psychological well-being.

Pretty impressive, right? Well if that isn’t enough to make you get off the couch and get sweating get this: WebMD states that exercise also helps nourish skin cells, creating healthy, glowing skin! When you work out, your blood flow increases. Your blood transports nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and helps take toxins (like free radicals — Remember those pesky molecules I talked about here) away from them, to be flushed by your liver, creating clean cells! Clean cells = glorious skin!

Getting regular exercise should be a way of life. It shouldn’t be something you dread doing everyday. Try to find things that you enjoy doing. Perhaps it’s playing sports, a yoga class, or going for a walk in the park. Do something everyday that challenges you physically, and when those things start to get easy, make your challenge harder. Sweat! If you’re not sweating you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. Nobody ever said being fit was easy. Olympic athletes don’t breeze through their training. If they did, winning wouldn’t feel like such a victory. Set a goal and go for it, you’ll be surprised at how good it feels to accomplish it!

I fell in love with exercise by accident. I was backpacking through Ecuador and my diet was totally out of whack (and out of control!). After three months, when I arrived home, I realized how bad the damage was. I had gained 20 pounds! I got a gym membership and worked out whenever I felt like it, not pushing myself too hard, and insisting that I didn’t have to give up my daily dessert to get my body back. After a few months of nothing changing I thought maybe I could use some help.

One of my friends posted some before and after photos of herself on Facebook after she had been working out with a trainer for a few months. The photos were unbelievable! I didn’t think it was possible for someone to change that much just from introducing a steady workout routine into their life! So instead of taking the obvious cues that were in front of me, I kept on stalking her photos and sticking to my unimpressive routine. Finally, after about a month of that, I asked for her trainer’s information. His name is Malik. I called him and set up an appointment. We met a few days later and he warned me that if I wasn’t serious about changing then he wouldn’t train me. Luckily, I was finally ready, I was tired of feeling so gross and unhealthy.

I began training with Malik 3 days a week and following his cardio workout that he had set for me based on my fitness level 6 days a week. I was only planning on training with him for a couple of months, until I lost the weight I had gained while traveling, but working out became such a love for me that I stayed with Malik until I moved away. Now you don’t need a trainer to get fit, but at the time I did. And I was fortunate enough to be able to afford it at that time.

In the year and three months that I trained with Malik I learned so much about myself. Not only did my body change dramatically but I was mentally stronger. I felt in control of my body, how it looked and what went into it. I felt strong and confident. I knew my boundaries were limitless. And I knew that I had made a lifestyle change that would benefit my overall health for years to come.

Investing in my fitness was the best investment I have ever and will ever make. The lessons I learned were invaluable. And the way I feel now is incomparable to how I felt before I introduced a regular exercise regimen into my life. I hope you are encouraged to get out there and exercise! Take control of you and get glowing!

Warmest wishes,



If you’re interested in working with the best trainer in Las Vegas visit www.BodyByMalik.com

I was so inspired I’ve since gotten my personal training certification and offer training sessions in New York City. For NYC training or nutritional counseling email me at TheGlowRemedy@gmail.com



8 Comments Add yours

  1. Angela says:

    Making great progress! Very proud of you.

  2. Diva says:

    learned so much from you!!! on my way to LVAC!!!! love you tons ❤

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