

Calling all coffee drinkers! Anyone, anyone? Me! For sure. I LOVE coffee. I love everything about it. I love the smell, the taste, the experience of visiting a quaint, or not so quaint, eh hem, Starbucks, coffee shop, and I love the bond you form with fellow coffee-drinking friends. What’s not to love, I mean, c’mon?

I have loved coffee for a long time. I can recollect my life though my coffee experiences. I remember going on vacation with my family and wanting a coffee from a coffee shop. I didn’t want a black coffee though, so I ordered a cafe au lait. I had no idea what it was, but I loved it. Then a Starbucks opened by my house in Las Vegas when I was in high school and I became a caramel frappuccino lover. I would have one everyday, and when the weather got cold I would order caramel macchiatos. There were plenty of mornings when my sister would be so furious with me because I had made her late to school (again) because I had to go to Starbucks. She couldn’t wait to get her license!

Eventually I realized caramel frappuccinos were basically sugar-filled milkshakes, so in college my new drink of choice was white mochas (such a healthier choice, I know). That lasted until I became a vegan and learned that white mocha syrup has dairy in it (which I refused to eat), so next up came vanilla soy lattes!

Then I went raw. Oh boy, this was my rough patch. You see, the raw food community is not keen on coffee. For one, coffee is NOT raw. It must be roasted before it’s ground and brewed. Bummer. My life was over. I could never truly be a “raw foodist” if I continued to drink coffee. Especially Starbucks! It’s not even organic! So I gave up coffee for a year, kind of. I convinced everyone that I was going to be a tea drinker! (tea is okay in the raw food diet, I guess). I was going to every coffee shop in New York City trying to find the “cleanest” chai tea latte. Clean meaning I could have it made with a nut milk (like almond milk), and no sugar or sweeteners, etc. This was a crazy endeavor, and I missed coffee. So I started to sneak coffee! I would secretly drink it between clients at work, as if anyone cared if I drank coffee. NO ONE CARED. But I was so obsessed with my diet that I thought I had to hide my coffee drinking because it wasn’t “allowed”.

What I really should have been concerned about at that time was my obsession and fear of food. Coffee, as silly as this sounds, was a way for me to realize the absurdity of my extreme control issues with food. And so now, with my clarity of mind, and comfort with food, I enjoy my coffee! Very much. 🙂

So, are there any health benefits to drinking coffee? Well, as a matter of fact yes! (thank God!) Research shows that coffee contains high levels of antioxidants! Yes, those cancer-fighting molecules I keep talking about. 😉 Coffee drinkers are also less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia compared to non-drinkers. Coffee is also shown to decrease chances of developing certain types of cancers (liver, for example), heart rhythm problems and stroke.

Of course coffee is not the health drink of the Gods. There are some risks to high consumption of coffee, such as restlessness and anxiety. But to that I say, don’t overdo it! Be smart, enjoy your coffee don’t rely on it! And always drink extra water when you are consuming coffee, as it is a natural diuretic (more trips to the bathroom), and can dehydrate you if you aren’t rehydrating.

Now, I still recommend drinking coffee in a more natural state. No syrups or whipped cream (i.e. the gingerbread breve with whip). These little extras add so many calories and fat grams that you end up consuming the amount of calories you should for a meal, not a beverage. I prefer soy milk because I do not drink dairy, and most coffee houses use vanilla flavored soy, so you get a little extra flavor without so much sugar. Try an iced coffee, unsweetened with a little soy! Or a cafe au lait with soy. These are my top two favorite ways to drink coffee! What are yours? Any coffee tips for me out there? I’d love to hear them!

Enjoy your cup of Joe with a little smile tomorrow!

Warmest radiance,


11 Comments Add yours

  1. You and Katie would love each other on sight! You know ofcourse she owns a coffeehouse and has become a really great barista and knows everything you were just talking about. I’ll send her a link to Glow Remedy

    1. I know! I can’t wait to visit her coffee shop!!!

  2. Diva Davila says:

    coffee…life affirming drink!!!! best blog ever for me :)…i almost smelled the coffee brewing!!! as always the read was informative, humorous, inspiring….love your continued support and call to seek balance through moderation! your blog GLOWS!!!!

      1. I really enjoy reading about your cooking experiences, especially about the coffee! I have always drank the coffee black!!! It is delicous & it really wakes you up for a new day, and what the day has to bring….The pumpkin soup sounded very good1

      2. Thank you! I agree, coffee is the best way to start the morning. =) And please try the pumpkin soup! It’s delicious!

  3. Team Coffee! I like black coffee with a little bit of cinnamon.

    1. Yummm! That’s an easy way to add a little flavor to black coffee! I’ll definitely give it a try! Thanks. =)

  4. Nanette says:

    I have started a love affair with coffee – triple grande non-fat 3 splenda latte. Soulmate.

  5. You should try Stevia as a sweetener, I think you would like it! And it’s all natural! =)

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